Challenge 1

The goal of the first challenge is to develop an expert system capable of supporting decisions in the control of energy resources and management of energy production and consumption in a community.



  hours  minutes  seconds


Challenge 1 Delivery


Week 7: Hard at Work

During this week, the team was hard at work developing both the Drools and the Prolog Expert Systems, aswell as writing the Knowledge Report and the Scientific Article. We used the time during our pratical classes to work on the project due to the closing deadline. The holiday on Tuesday, All Saint’s Day, meant we…

Week 6: A good week

In this week we had introductory lessons on Python.We had a masterclass about different ontologies and multi-agent systems.In ENGCIA we learned more about ontologies and in PPROGIA we were taught about functional programming paradigms and others.We focused a lot on the development of our expert system.

Week 5: AI Rules!

During this week, we had a master class about Software Agents Criminal Responsability. In PPROGIA, we were introduced to functional programming, more specifically to lambda calculus. Meanwhile, in ENGCIA, we learned about fuzzy logic and truth maintenance systems. Also this week, we developed the rules to our project, started developing a way to read the…


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