Challenge 2

The goal of the second challenge is to develop a system using machine learning techniques and decision support solutions.



  hours  minutes  seconds


Challenge 2 Delivery


Week 7: Last Sprint

Unfortunatelly, we had our first casualty, Edson decided to pause his studies.The group had some troubles implementing PSO to our PLNTDIA problem, so we decided to pivot and use a genetic algorithm to solve it instead. After exploring a lot of libraries of genetic algorithm we decided to stick with pyeasyga, in our understanding, it…

Week 6: Fine Tuning

In this week, we had our final week of classes. During those the group had the chance to make further progress on our challenge project. We implemented particle swarm optimization to fine tune the hyperparameters of the SVM, getting more accuracy in our model. In the PLNTDIA part, we finished the specification of devices and…

Week 5: Keep on Rockin’

For PLNTDIA, we continued learning Automatic Scheduling which we had begun last week. We went over Time-Based and Scheduling Planning, Real Time Planning, Project Planning, Distributed Planning and talked about problems and algorithms based on multi criteria decision making. For AAUT1IA we talked about Clustering and Naive Bayes methods, and we went over Ensemble Learning…


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