Challenge 3



  hours  minutes  seconds



Week 8: Almooost there!

This week, we refined the details of the system, interconnected ROS with MAS, and finalized the article. We conducted the final tests and validations.

Week 7: On the grind!

This week, we continued to make progress on the project, completing tasks and overcoming obstacles. The use of a LedLight in GazeboSim was not possible, so simulating the use/presence of this light was adopted. Our robot was already able to walk to the section where cleaning is required, perform the cleaning, and return to the…

Week 6: Detecting the world!

In this week, we saw different methods signals are transmitted and how signal processing is done. We talked about negotiations and conflicts between agents, how to solve the conflicts, the types of negotiations how to do them. We learned how to build and code a new world. Also we learn to build QR code and…

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